Friday, September 16, 2011

The difference between an A paper and a C paper

1. The first thing that I think belongs in an  "A" essay is grammar. This should also be a quality that is easily obtained, especially in college. An average paper probably has 3 or more grammar mistakes while an "A" paper should have maybe one the most. Preferably none though.

2. The second thing I can think of is clarity. The paper should be clear all throughout so the reader knows whats going on. Jumping through subjects and random times will defiantly confuse the reader. If the writer wants to switch subjects in a paper, then use clear transitions.

3. And of course, details make a great paper. Without great detail, a paper will seem really boring. For example, you can say "The cymbals I ordered came in today and they look good." That seems very dull and a reader can not really imagine anything out of that. Instead, you can write "The second I opened the packaging of my new cymbals, I immediately saw my beautiful face in the reflection and clarity of the cymbal."

For me, I think clarity is the most difficult. I usually tend to wander off the subject and start describing other events and things. Its hard for me to just sit and write about only one specific topic because I find it gets boring.

The easiest thing I find doing is describing things in detail. This is because there are so many things that can be said on just about anything. I can describe the color and shapes of objects, the emotions that I or another person has felt, and even set the mood in a scene by just describing the weather or something. Its very simple.

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