Friday, September 30, 2011

Purpose: The purpose of this ad is to try and convince people how simple it is to put on their snowboard boot. It is so easy it only takes three steps ; Pull. Twist. Go. With other snowboarding boots you have to deal with tying the laces, which does takes a while.
Audience: I think its obvious that the target audience is all snowborders. This ad does not target any specific race, age, or ethnicity because anyone can snowboard.
Genre:  I would say this ad is pro-snowboarding because it shows that something like putting on boots can become even more simple. Like most snowboarding ads, there is a snowboarder in the background which may encourage some people to go out and try it.
Tone: The brownish, black, and orange colors set a warm tone. While it may not have the most vibrant colors, it does have an offset of black and white. Also, the orange kind of pops out from the white snow from the jumps.

Friday, September 23, 2011


The biggest difference between my rough draft and my final paper is that its longer. Also, I added a few more details and events that i feel improved the paper. As for content, organization, focus, ect., that pretty much stayed the same. After revising my paper, i notice that i don't tend to explain everything that i bring up fully. I may give an example of something, but not explain what it means to me or why its important. Not only did the peer review help me revise my paper, but just reading through what i already had helped too. For my essay, i think the strongest point is the structure and detail. As for the weakest, it would have to be the focus. I tend to get off focus often and loose track.

Friday, September 16, 2011

The difference between an A paper and a C paper

1. The first thing that I think belongs in an  "A" essay is grammar. This should also be a quality that is easily obtained, especially in college. An average paper probably has 3 or more grammar mistakes while an "A" paper should have maybe one the most. Preferably none though.

2. The second thing I can think of is clarity. The paper should be clear all throughout so the reader knows whats going on. Jumping through subjects and random times will defiantly confuse the reader. If the writer wants to switch subjects in a paper, then use clear transitions.

3. And of course, details make a great paper. Without great detail, a paper will seem really boring. For example, you can say "The cymbals I ordered came in today and they look good." That seems very dull and a reader can not really imagine anything out of that. Instead, you can write "The second I opened the packaging of my new cymbals, I immediately saw my beautiful face in the reflection and clarity of the cymbal."

For me, I think clarity is the most difficult. I usually tend to wander off the subject and start describing other events and things. Its hard for me to just sit and write about only one specific topic because I find it gets boring.

The easiest thing I find doing is describing things in detail. This is because there are so many things that can be said on just about anything. I can describe the color and shapes of objects, the emotions that I or another person has felt, and even set the mood in a scene by just describing the weather or something. Its very simple.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Literacy Essay ideas

1. My first idea would be to write about how i used to go to polish school and they would make me read short stories. I was about seven years old. My mom would mainly read it to me and i would just listen, but i eventually learned to just read it myself. I also ended up hating it because everything was in polish but i got through it.
       - The downside to writing about this topic is that i barely remember it. I cant really go into much detail about what books and topics because it was such a long time ago. A pro might be that i can make it interesting because i can compare the difference between polish writing and american writing.

2. Another topic would be when i wrote my college essay. I remember thinking to myself that i have to make it perfect because whatever i write down on a piece of paper can make my whole future. I also remember writing a few first drafts and turning them in school, then afterwards completely changing it because i did not think it was good enough.
       -A pro to this is that it was very recent and i remember a lot of details. A con to this is that it will probably be a very boring topic to read and write about.

I honestly do not have a third topic in mind. I dont really remember any more experiences that have impacted me as much.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Why I am in English 101

The main reason why I am in English 101 is because its a requirement. I think it being a requirement is fine because it will help teach us better ways in writing and reading, both which are very useful in the real world. The class will teach me and everyone else useful skills to help comprehend and breakdown meanings in writings such as poems, essays, and in books. The main goal i would like to achieve throughout this class is to learn how to write better, in general, and learn how to read and understand texts more. Since i am going into computer science as a major, i wont need it as much, but if i know how to write well then it will make school assignments easier and also other writing tasks easier. The biggest difficulty I say I would have is understanding exactly what the author of a piece of work is trying to say. With this class I am looking forward to learn how to comprehend more difficult pieces of writing. This will not only help me in class, but in general reading and writing in everyday life. Maybe after this class i will learn to enjoy reading and writing more.