Friday, March 2, 2012

Research Question

My main research question that i have chosen is "Has the new Google privacy policy gone too far?" Where is the line drawn from basic information to personal information? As for the double entries, it didn't help that much on this specific topic, but it did give me a few good ideas on what i would consider writing about. I have not come up with a thesis on the topic yet. The only issues i can think of on this topic is trying to get the right information and trying to make it simplified and short. As for my "search terms" i could just find all of the info i need by reading Googles new privacy statement. I dont think i really need to do any more research since i would be able to read the whole statement through google itself. Unless there is certain words or phrases i do not understand, i will do further research into those. Other than that, i think i could get all the info i need just by reading the statement and breaking it down.

1 comment:

  1. Since this is a research argument, you do in fact need to do research. Remember, your argument is joining a conversation, and in order to join that conversation, you need to know what others are saying. I would also re-frame your question. What does it mean for a policy to go "too far"? Instead, like we talked about, you could discuss what our expectations for privacy on the internet should be, perhaps through an argument specifically about Google's privacy policy.
