Monday, December 12, 2011

Final Reflection

Looking back at my first post, the main reason why i was enrolled in English 101 was because it was a requirement. And my main goals were to become a better write and be able to understand and comprehend text more. I believe that i actually did achieve my goals. I have learned to write better because i have developed a writing process that works well for me. I dont think i would change these goals because there always is room for improvement, but i feel as what i have accomplished for now is good enough. Some weaknesses i would like to build up is probably keeping on topic. Usually when i notice a paper im writing is going to be too short, i just try to add whatever i can and sometimes it wanders off topic. And some strengths i would like to keep building is the amount of detail i put in my papers. I think it helps me be a better writer by not leaving things out and making the reader question things they arent supposed to.

Revision Essay

I am choosing to revise my 4th paper (argument analysis). Some strengths about the paper include its amount of detail. It explains everything that people reading it might have questions about. It is a topic that most people probably havent heard about, but i think i do a good enough job explaining what it is and what it does. The biggest weakness of my paper is that it is way too short. I have to work on expanding my work and possibly bringing more examples into my paper on how exactly my topic could affect people.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

My Favorite Paper

I would have to say that my favorite paper i write was about the $78 million dollar bag (go figure right?). Anyways, it would have to be my favorite because i actually learned more about the topic than i previously knew. It really was shocking to find out how much money was wasted on such a minor issue. I guess you could say that i am passionate about the issue since i do think the laws against it are absolutely ridiculous. People look at the legalization of marijuana in all the wrong ways. They think when it becomes legal, all of a sudden everyone will always be high just because the fact its legal... which is not true at all. If crack suddenly became legal (for some reason) would you start doing it because its legal? No. Im sure nobody would.

Thinking Critically about Evidence

During that day in class, i was writing charts between two topics; The hidden costs of cell phone bills, and the legalization of marijuana. I barely even finished creating the chart for the cell phone topic because less than half way through i thought to myself "who the hell wants to read a paper about cell phone bills..?". I just quit at that point. After finishing the chart about marijuana, i was a little hesitant because it is completely over done. So once again, i came up with another topic. And this one i stuck with. I chose to write about Internet Piracy and the SOPA act.

-My strongest evidence would have to be explaining what SOPA  (Stop Online Piracy Act) exactly is and how it would effect everyone. This would have to be my strongest evidence because it is easily a topic that does honestly affect anyone that uses the internet.

-The weakest part of the argument might be that it might be too short. SOPA is a new bill that was proposed just this October and there isnt much detailed information about it.