Friday, February 24, 2012


Looking back at when i started this class, i personally had a goal of actually doing the work on time and getting things done. But then i started to get lazy and started to let things go. As far as my skills of a writer, i think i could actually show improvement if i put time into writing the drafts and doing the papers. I do think some things in class have helped me as a writer. For example, taking the notes/bullet points for the three articles made it a lot easier to summarize them for the paper. For my writing process, it hasn't changed much. I feel as if mine works for me, i just need to put more time into it. The only part of this class that i didnt like was these blogs..... they suck! Personally, they really dont help me much.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Assignment #6

The significant points in two of the three articles ("Too many people coming to college?" & "A Lifetime Student Debt?") is that students should not go to college, just for the sake of going to college. While going to college is a good investment, the person going should be aware of what they want to do. Otherwise they are just wasting their money for nothing. They have to find a specific field to go into so they don't waste their time either. Another big point is that students mainly get in high debt because they want to go to their dream colleges no matter what. On the other hand, in "The New Liberal Arts", the main point i would say is that a liberal arts degree is a good investment. According to the article, more that three quarters of employers recommend that college students pursue a liberal arts degree.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Is A Bachelor's Degree Worth it?

I do think that a bachelors degree is worth it. Even if it seems like a broad degree that almost anyone can get, it's a lot better than no degree. This also makes a resume look a lot better when applying for positions at any job. But personally, i would rather get a degree in a specific field of work.  For example, i plan on going into a computer science/programming field, and looking for a job with just a bachelors degree isn't going to get me much results. Most companies would probably reject me on the spot. While it is true that going to college has become more and more expensive, the payoff and feeling of success is greater. It shows a lot in a person that is willing to pay and go to school for so many more years than others. Many people argue that its not worth it because of the tremendous debt that can happen, but honestly the pay off is worth it. Most people that actually have that amount of debt is a result of their own poor decisions such as "absolutely having" to go to their dream school.  In the end, i highly suggest getting a bachelors degree. It will highly increase anyone's chances of getting a better job and as a result better pay.